New, high quality, standard size, MagicWB2.0-style Icons and other stuff.
" LINK "ico"} Icons
" LINK "def"} Default Disk Icons
" LINK "tmb"} TM-Brushes
" LINK "fon"} Fonts
" LINK "Copyright"} Copyright notice
" LINK "Contact"} How to contact me
" LINK "Cards"} If you have contacted me already
" LINK "Contest"} @{fg shine}Contest! Great prize to win!@{fg text}
" LINK "16col"} 16 col MagicWB discussion
" LINK "Credits"} Credits
@NODE "ico" "Icons Background Information"
@{fg fill}Mastermind@{fg text} is requested by S.Rittau.
@{fg fill}PicCon @{fg text}is distributed with PicCon250.lha (AN:gfx/conv) and drawn by Niels
rgensen. Mine is only cut to standard size.
@{fg fill}Network, FAX@{fg text} and @{fg fill}AntiVirus@{fg text} are adapted from XEN's original brushes.
Requested by R.Harris, D.Lauger and D.Dustin.
@{fg fill}Enterprise:@{fg text} This one is dedicated to Trevor Morris (Hi Trevor!).
@{fg fill}SimpsonGuide:@{fg text} This is for the O.J.Simpson Guide program by Manfred Huber,
which can be found in Aminet:docs/misc (Update!). The icon is drawn pixel
by pixel from scratch (using a small photo of O.J.). - These are the ones
which are very time consuming to create...
@{fg fill}FinalData:@{fg text} For all Non-Trekkies out there (are there any??): This guy is
an android called "Data" (Brent Spiner), a member of the StarTrek TNG
crew. I hope someone recognized him...
@{fg fill}LoveDemo:@{fg text} The great LOVE demo by Fairlight (AGA only) is startable from HDD
- why can't all be like that???
@NODE "def" "Default Disk Icons"
The ability to use these different default disk icons for different file
systems (so you can recognize the file system used by a disk by just looking
at its icon) is possible if you use @{" DefIcons " SYSTEM "RIGuide/Sound RIGuide/Yeah.8svx q"}, which is part of the @{" NewIcons " SYSTEM "RIGuide/Sound RIGuide/Booh.8svx q"}
When DefIcons is installed, disks without a file will use the icons
named, where XXXX is the file system DosType; for example for Amiga disks and for MS-DOS disks.
The NewIcons package can be found on Aminet: util/wb/NewIcons.lha
@NODE "tmb" "TM-Brushes Background Information"
@{fg fill}Assembly@{fg text} requested by D.Dustin and R.Harris.
@{" Click here " SYSTEM "MultiView RIguide/TM.brush"} for the TMBrush overview.
@NODE "fon" "Fonts"
XEN 13 font on MagicWB v1.5 was incomplete (and disapeared on MagicWB v2.0)
so I decided to complete it. It is suitable for high resolutions like 1024x
768 or higher.
@{" Click here " SYSTEM "MultiView RIguide/Font.brush"} for the XEN/13 overview.
@NODE "Copyright" "Copyright"
@{" RomIcons8 " SYSTEM "RIGuide/Sound RIGuide/Yeah.8svx q"} is Copyright
1995 @{" Roman Patzner " LINK "Contact"}.
This package is @{fg shine}CARDWARE@{fg text}.
So if you like it and use some of my icons, TM-brushes etc. you'll have to
send me a postcard which shows a picture of your hometown.
This time you also have the chance to win a great prize @{" -> Contest " LINK "Contest"}.
You are allowed to spread it all over the world using any storage medium
available, but you must spread the whole package.
Programmers & creators of PD-software are allowed to include single icons
of this package in their own package-distributions.
No one is allowed to take more than
1,- (English pound) including disk and
copying cost, and you must include some other MagicWB icons/patterns to fill
up the disk by at least 90%.
MagicWB is Copyright
1992-1994 Martin Huttenloher.
@NODE "Contact" "How to contact me"
Roman Patzner
Maschl 91
A-5600 St.Johann/Pongau
@{" AUSTRIA " SYSTEM "RIGuide/Sound RIGuide/
sterreich.8svx q"} (Mozart, Vienna, A.Schwarzenegger - but NO kangaroos)
If you send me Email, maybe some time will pass (2-4 weeks) till I
can read and answer it, because I have Email (internet) access only
at my university in Linz. I'm working on my thesis (and your icons
;-)) at home now and this is about 200 km away from Linz.
Amiga 1200
_/\\ Blizzard 1230II 50MHz, 6MB, Internal 120MB IDE HD,
SCSI2, Toshiba CD-ROM, NEC 3D Monitor, HP DeskJet500